Thursday, July 12, 2007

Preparing for a homecoming

This week Kristen's parents are in Budapest Hungary to pick up the youngest Katseanes from his two year mission. The countdown to Jonny's return started a long tome ago. Blake has been very excited and is counting down the days until he gets to see his uncle. Kristen and the boys are going down to welcome them home to Salt Lake City and I will head down later for a few days. In related news Kristen's parents sold there house in Salt Lake and are going to move to Provo to be closer to work. So Jonny is getting home just in time to pack how fun. I am also hopeful that his two years away from golf soften him up enough for me to beat him once in my life. I will have to attack right when he gets home though because he is normally sooooo much better than I am.

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