Saturday, February 2, 2008

I love this Church!!

As many know, the LDS Church has lost a great man this week. Our leader, prophet and President of the Church, President Gordon B Hinckley. It may seem sad at first, for we will miss him dearly, but there are two great things that keep me cheerful still. They are first, the fact that we need not worry about the state of the church after the passing of our leader. This is because it is all laid out before us who will be next to serve our Church and the world. We never need to question who will be next and is there someone out there worthy enough, good enough, or what will happen in the meantime. The Church has many willing servants and they are laid out in a line so to speak. There is an order to things and everything will fall into place. We also know that although each president has had different strengths and things they may focus on, the Gospel remains the same. There will be no changes in doctrine and thus no need to question our membership in this great church. The other thing that keeps us all positive in this time, is the knowledge that we have of the afterlife. We know what comes next and it is nothing to fear or be sad about. How do you feel truly sad about a wonderful spiritual man dieing? Instead the members of the church are happy for him, he will be reunited with his lovely wife, something that is will be a true joy for him. We believe in eternal marriage and this is a time when we can all reflect on how wonderful that is. I am very comforted by the fact that I can be with my husband forever. He was out of town this week, which is rare for him, and it has heightened my awareness of how much I love him and love to be near him. I am grateful for this opportunity, I am grateful for this gospel and I am grateful for the service and love of President Gordon B. Hinckley.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Well spoken Kristen. There is definitely a feeling of contentment when it comes to the order of things in the church. I'm happy for the prophet too. I can only imagine is wonderous homecoming.